澳门威尼斯人平台官网 is committed to preparing its graduates for a world of increasing complexity, 创新, 和改变. 相应的, developing and demonstrating the following 研究生属性 is central to the educational spectrum at Lindenwood, including the general education curriculum, 主要学习项目, 以及课外经历.
Lindenwood adopted the 研究生属性 in the fall of 2021 and is currently transitioning from the previous Institutional Learning Outcomes:
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Show preparation to address and solve the issues of today and tomorrow
- Adapt to a changing world through creative and innovative thinking
- Adaptable Problem Solver Rubric
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Self-reflect and engage in activities for self-improvement
- Independently seek professional opportunities for career advancement
- 终身学习指南
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Engage in meaningful discourse in order to persuade audiences
- Foster understanding and respect
- Communicate fluently in multiple media
- 有效沟通者准则
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Use data and evidence to form judgments about complex situations
- 分析思维准则
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Take responsibility for their actions
- Understand their roles in the community
- Engage in their communities by working collaboratively in order to promote the welfare of others
- 负责任公民准则
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Consider the well-being of others, 相关的先例, and their moral convictions when making decisions about the ethical questions of our changing world
- 道德决策准则
澳门威尼斯人平台官网 students will:
- Seek to understand the perspectives of diverse populations
- Consider the global impact of their decisions
- Appreciate diverse perspectives
- Demonstrate compassion and understanding of individual and cultural differences
- 全球倡导准则
的 Proposal to Adopt Lindenwood 研究生属性 includes a timeline for developing an assessment plan for the new attributes. 的 proposed Three-Year Roadmap for 通识教育 and Graduate Attribute 评估 can be found online at the 通识教育 & Graduate Attribute 评估 page.
研究生属性: Timeline and FAQs
When will we implement graduate attributes?
Fall 2022 will work as a transition semester for aligning the graduate attributes to courses with Spring 2023 as a goal for full implementation of the graduate attributes.
How are we aligning graduate attributes to courses and programs?
在2022年春天 梯度属性对齐 and 评估委员会 formed to help align courses and co-curricular departments to the graduate attributes. 的 committee and chairs are working with departments in this process. Please contact the college or co-curriculum chairs of the committee for more information.
How are we assessing graduate attributes?
We will continue to use the Community of Practice model for general education assessment and encourage faculty and staff to use signature assignments that align to the graduate attribute rubrics. More information on general education and graduate attribute assessment can be found 在这里.
Am I required to include information about the graduate attributes on my syllabus?
Only general education courses are required to include graduate attribute information on their syllabus. 查看所需信息. However, all instructors are welcome to include information on their syllabus. View suggested syllabus information you can include if you so choose. However, this should be included in addition to all other required syllabus information.
Will all courses implement graduate attributes, even graduate courses?
最终,是的. Instructors are currently aligning and implementing graduate attributes in general education courses. Curriculum mapping for alignment of graduate attributes in undergraduate and graduate programs is the next step in the implementation process. Curriculum maps can be found on the assessment website and workshops are available through the learning academy.
How do I know what graduate attribute my course or co-curricular department aligns to?
General education instructors should go to 研究生属性 for 通识教育 Courses for the graduate attribute mapping to a specific general education course.
要更新电子表格, ask Graduate Attribute alignment questions, or any questions at all please contact Robyne长老, Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness 或者伸出手去 梯度属性对齐 & 评估委员会.